Student Spotlight: Taking the Debate Stage

It’s not every day you meet a middle-schooler with a rising talent for debate, but that’s exactly what you’ll find in BOMLA seventh grader Leroy Tamfu. Tamfu, who says he became interested in debate through politics, recently placed fifth out of fifty competitors at a local tournament. Tamfu said he trained with his classmates, teacher […]

Alumni Spotlight: Walking by Faith

BOMLA alumnus Bryan Flores is currently a junior at Texas A&M University studying industrial distribution, but he has a greater calling. “The most rewarding part of college so far has been the opportunity to strengthen my faith,” he said. “[After graduation] I want to first and foremost work in ministry, where I can take all […]

Save the Date: Senior Signing Day is May 19

Every educator, administrator and student at BOMLA values and pursues success in its many different forms. This year, we invite you to celebrate the opportunities ahead of this year’s graduating class at our 2020 Senior Signing Day and Brunch on May 19. To date, BOMLA has achieved a 100% college acceptance rate among our seniors. The […]